Michael Jackson |
2 | 3.7% |
Beyonce |
1 | 1.9% |
Leonardo DiCaprio |
2 | 3.7% |
Marilyn Manson |
No votes | 0% |
Madonna |
2 | 3.7% |
Roger Federer |
2 | 3.7% |
Lionel Messi |
No votes | 0% |
Shakira |
5 | 9.3% |
Rihanna |
1 | 1.9% |
Avril Lavigne |
3 | 5.6% |
Britney Spears |
3 | 5.6% |
Lady Gaga |
3 | 5.6% |
Angelina Jolie |
2 | 3.7% |
Robert Pattinson |
No votes | 0% |
Brad Pitt |
2 | 3.7% |
Cameron Diaz |
1 | 1.9% |
Adele |
2 | 3.7% |
Barack Obama |
No votes | 0% |
Justin Timberlake |
2 | 3.7% |
Abraham Lincoln |
2 | 3.7% |
Danny Trejo (Machete) |
6 | 11.1% |
Mickey Rourke |
No votes | 0% |
Justin Bieber |
No votes | 0% |
Uma Thurman |
2 | 3.7% |
Johnny Depp |
1 | 1.9% |
Will Smith |
No votes | 0% |
Ronaldo |
No votes | 0% |
Eminem |
No votes | 0% |
Katy Perry |
7 | 13% |
Jennifer Aniston |
3 | 5.6% |
Total number of voters: 54 ( mtrizz@gmx.de, crchappell@comcast.net, goalposthead, MDibble, BurstAngel ) See more
minus269, malowarrior, Cuisle, trill, javiermicheals, catsanddogs, shawn-allen@mail.com, Casina, Roboman28, Palumba, KristinF, chrbou2001, Babajaga, chellethecat, Andrea Corr, maldowns, mycirest@aol.com, ramdass, WasabiSoup, Salem, borgboy, joseperez, smay_1@yahoo.com, Scatha, ExtraClones, Jabba101, obirusskenobi, spinotic, missoo, mejed, Norberg, rosco, eyeteeth, g.james@ntlworld.com, Ariah, joea64, marvhartigan, ali_sen, Haruchai, Thorneldrich, marcol, Mstene, MargyThunder, punisher, gazukull, shadowhawk2zero, maddjeeper, wartech, Ravenmaster
Only registered users can participate to this poll |
joea64 wrote: Some trimming of the list does seem to be in order, specifically to remove duplicates of people for whom morphs have already been created elsewhere. See, as I've said before, I think we need to ask for brand-new people, celebs that haven't been done before. So IMO that would tend to leave out Catherine Zeta-Jones and Britney Spears, since they already have morphs (CZJ is www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/veira-for-v4/63216/ and Britney is www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/v4-celebrity...evolution-no-3/64631 or the older, out-of-print V4 Celebrity Series: Brit).
ExtraClones wrote: Hi, everybody! I again here
wartech wrote: Yes active
KristinF wrote: The actress Jenna Coleman? :http://images.mstarz.com/data/images/full/31164/jenna-coleman-teases-big-doctor-who-news.jpg
wartech wrote: Well you can revote... just remove you old vote and put back)) Bu the way How many votes do you think is needed?))) 3 ???
P.S. If next product funding will be bad we will clear vote list and restart voting)) Cause voting changes... Now you vote for product that will be put on Funding)) And if funding good, we will put it to production)))